Introducing New ARspresso Happy Gut Blend

Introducing New ARspresso Happy Gut Blend

What do these 5 things have in common???
That’s right, introducing our new ARspresso Happy Gut Blend!
This blend is combination of our ARspresso specialty blend with additions of Chaga mushroom, aloe Vera, cinnamon and ginger.
Why these ingredients? Read below!
1. Chaga mushroom helps reduce inflammation and fights those harmful bacteria that aide in gastrointestinal inflammation.
2. Aloe Vera is full of enzymes that help break down sugar and fat and it helps a healthy flow to digestive system so that everything moving smoothly!
3. Cinnamon has prebiotic properties which helps promote growth of good bacteria and has antimicrobial benefits to stop those bad bacteria. It may also have benefits of reducing bloating and gas!
4. Ginger helps with the motility of the gastrointestinal system so that food doesn’t linger in your gut for too long! It can also reduce nausea, bloating and gas.
And let’s not forget that coffee can stimulate those bowel movements! Give it a try today! 
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